Ready to Turn Your Side Hustle into a Thriving Business?

Your side hustle is blossoming, and that dream of being your own boss is within reach!

It's time to level up and give your passion project the attention it DESERVES.

The SIDE HUSTLE ACCELERATOR is a transformative 6-month coaching program designed to take your side hustle from ideation to full-blown success.

Christen N James, Side-Hustle Coach for 9to5 women, Toronto, Ontario

Program Overview: This customizable Coaching Program provides you with the tools and support to:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Establish both short- and long-term goals, and evaluate results for consistent progress.

  • Design a Marketing Strategy: Connect with your target clients more effectively.

  • Automate and Track Growth: Create a system to streamline processes and monitor your business growth.

  • Set Income Goals: Understand your finances and set income targets for sustained growth.

  • Manage Your Mindset: Access results-driven resources, tips, feedback, and insights to maintain a positive mindset.

Who is This Program For?

  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs: If you’re ready to launch your side hustle and need guidance to get started.

  • Established Side Hustlers: If your side hustle is growing and you need the right tools to take it to the next level.

  • 9to5 Professionals: If you're bored with your 9to5 and keep thinking, “I want my own thing.”

What You’ll Gain:

  • Clarity and Focus: Overcome the overwhelm and find your direction.

  • Confidence and Empowerment: Build the confidence to turn your side hustle into a full-time venture.

  • Strategic Planning: Implement effective marketing and business strategies.

  • Sustainable Growth: Set achievable income goals and track your progress.

Why Choose SIDE HUSTLE ACCELERATOR? This program is deisgned to help 9to5 women conquer their fears, overcome imposter syndrome, and build the confidence needed to quit their day job and become their own boss. With dedicated support, practical tools, and actionable strategies, you'll transform your side hustle into a thriving business.

Ready to ACHIEVE Side Hustle to Success?

Hit the button below and let’s take your side hustle to the next level!